AC0 Magic Item – Necris Falcata

The Necris Falcata is a magical short sword made completely from the remains of a powerful dead dragon. Its handle is crafted from polished bone while the blade itself is made from the razor-sharp bone of the creature’s ribcage. The weapon emits a faint otherworldly glow, indicating its magical properties.

Magical Attributes:

1. Undead Bane: The Necris Falcata is a formidable weapon against undead creatures. When used against undead enemies, it deals an additional 1d6 points of damage per hit.

2. Razor Edge: The blade of the Necris Falcata is unnaturally sharp, allowing it to slice through armor with ease. The weapon grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls, enhancing the user’s chance to hit their target effectively.

3. Lifestealer (Limited Uses): The Necris Falcata possesses the ability to absorb the life force of its enemies. Once per day, the wielder can activate this ability by declaring it before making an attack roll. If the attack hits, the Necris Falcata drains the target of a portion of their life force, healing the wielder for half the damage dealt.

4. Fearful Aura: The Necris Falcata exudes an aura of primal fear, causing nearby undead creatures to be filled with unease. Within a 20-foot radius, undead enemies suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throws against fear-based effects.


Valandir was a powerful and enigmatic wizard known for his expertise in necromancy. Obsessed with the delicate balance between life and death, he sought to create weapons that could harness and manipulate the forces of the undead. Through countless experiments and forbidden rituals, Valandir discovered the secrets of infusing the essence of powerful undead creatures into weapons.

The creation of the Necris Falcata marked a breakthrough in his research. Drawing on his knowledge of bone magic and dark arts, Valandir successfully crafted a short sword solely from the remains of a mighty undead monstrosity. He ventured deep into forbidden crypts to acquire the necessary materials, carefully selecting bones that resonated with potent necromantic energy.

Valandir’s ambition was to create a weapon that would both decimate undead foes and serve as a testament to his mastery over life and death. The Necris Falcata was intended to be a symbol of fear and death, a scourge against vampires, liches, and all creatures that defied the natural order.

However, the creation of such a weapon did not come without consequences. Rumors spread that Valandir’s intense fascination with necromantic magic had begun to corrupt his mind and soul. Some claimed that he had become consumed by his own creations, gradually losing sight of the boundaries between life and death.

Now, the Necris Falcata serves as a reminder of Valandir’s dark legacy, a weapon that continues to be sought after by adventurers and collectors alike, drawn to its power and the unsolved mysteries of its creator. Legends still speak of the mighty wizard and the fate that befell him, leaving adventurers to question the true depths of Valandir’s plunge into the forbidden arts.

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Phil Sentko is a well-known expert in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. He has been playing this popular role-playing game since the late 70s and has mastered the intricate mechanics of the game, including the infamous THAC0. In addition to his extensive knowledge of D&D, Phil is also an avid writer and blogger, sharing his insights on gaming and other topics.

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