AC0 Magic Item – Malyn’s Jar of Fate

Malyn was a powerful sorceress revered by many for her mystical prowess and intellect. Her mastery of the magical arts was known far and wide, and her ability to manipulate fate and destiny had earned her both admiration and fear.

Born to a family of powerful wizards, she began her studies at an early age and quickly surpassed her peers, developing keen insight and intuition regarding the forces that shaped the world.

Growing up, Malyn saw firsthand the dangers of using magic recklessly as her parents were killed during the Xarath War. As such, she was a conscientious and cautious mage – one who always strived for balance in her spells and incantations.

Malyn spent countless hours of study in not only the Magician’s Tower library in Thalias, but in several smaller libraries throughout Terbrook. She was often regarded with suspicion and mistrust by those who did not understand the work she was doing.

While Malyn’s intentions were always pure, she was not above using her magic for her own purposes. She was a cunning strategist and often used her abilities to sway the paths of others, ensuring that she maintained a certain degree of control over her own fate.

Eventually, Malyn became known for her legendary parties, where she would host illustrious guests from around the world. These grand events were always infused with magic, with mysterious and unexpected events happening throughout the evening.

It was at one of these parties that Malyn first unveiled the Jar of Fates, and it quickly became a highlight of the gathering. She filled it with 100 pieces of magical candy, each with a unique power or curse that could alter the fate of the person who consumed it. Once the last piece of candy was consumed, the jar would magically refill.

The jar became a popular novelty item among the sorceress’ guests, but they soon learned to approach it with caution. Some of the candies would give them incredible abilities, such as flight or the power of telekinesis. Others would curse them with terrible afflictions, such as permanent blindness or the inability to speak.

Despite these dangers, the guests would often compete with one another to see how many pieces of candy they could consume, hoping to gain a powerful ability while avoiding a terrible curse.

However, after seeing the consequences of her guests’ actions, she withdrew the jar, burying it in a secret location in an attempt to keep it from ever seeing the light of day again. However, rumors persist that the Jar of Fates still exists, waiting to be discovered by those who are brave enough to take the risk.

Legend says that the sorceress buried the jar in a secret location, hoping that it would never be discovered again. However, rumors persist that the Jar of Fates still exists, waiting to be discovered by those who are brave enough to take the risk.

(P) indicates permanent / (T) indicate temporary / *unless removed with Remove Curse / **Curse is permanent. / ^ This can be either a curse or a great power depending on how one looks at it.

1Flight upon Command (P)
2Invisibility upon Command (P)
3Super Strength / 1d12 Turns (T)
4Immunity to all Disease / 1d12 Months (T)
5Telekinesis (P)
6Curse* Eternal Hunger (P)
7Ability to Breathe Underwater (P)
8Curse* Never Speak Again (P)
9Teleport Across Short Distances / 1d12 Turns (T)
10Ability to understand and speak any language / 1d12 Turns (T)
11Super Speed / 1d4 Turns (T)
12Invincibility / 1d4 Turns (T)
13Curse* Always being followed by a ghostly presence (P)
14Curse* Constant, debilitating pain (P)
15Ability to read minds (P) / 50% of insanity for not being able to turn it off
16Weather Control 1/2 mile radius (P)
17Ability to summon and control ally for 1d4 turns (P) – 1 time per month
18Curse* Always being detected by dangerous creatures. (P)
19Invulnerability to all magical attacks for 1d8 rounds (P) – 1 time per month
20Control over an elemental of choice 1d4 turns (P) – 1 time per month
21Precognition, predicting future events 98% accurately. (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
22Curse* Always attracting unwanted attention (P)
23Ability to speak with animals (P)
24Curse* Bad luck – all saving throws at 75% reduction (P)
25Resistance to all poisons and toxins (P)
26Curse* Constant hallucinations (P)
27Phase through solid objects 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
28Control plants (P)
29See through solid object upon command 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
30Curse* Uncontrollable fear (P)
31Ability to summon and command an army of small creatures (P) 1 Time per month
32Invisibility upon Command 1d20 turns (T)
33Ability to enter a trance-like state for healing 1d6hp / turn. (P)
34Curse* Unable to leave shadows (P)
35Ability to clone your self for 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
36Astral projections 4 times per month (P)
37Curse** Cannot touch someone or something without causing yourself 1d4 points damage (P)
39Ability of flight restricted to only indoors (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
40Curse* Amnesia 1d10 turns (T)
41Shapeshift 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
42Curse* Unquenchable thirst (P)
43Petrification of upon touch^ (P)
44Levitate upon command 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
45Curse* Never being able to find one’s true love (P)
46Control over bats and their echolocation for sight (P) 1 Time per week
47Ability to summon a benevolent spirit to act as a guide and protector (P) 1 Time per month
48Curse* Eternal Narcolepsy, falling asleep instantly. (P)
49Breathe Fire 1d12 Rounds (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
50Polymorph objects into gold (P) 1 Time per month
51Curse* Never being able to interact with the physical environment (P)
52Ability to cause objects to spontaneously combust (P) 1 Time per week
53Ability to create illusions (P) 1 Time per week
54Curse* Tortured by constant ringing in ears (P)
55Ability to create a forcefield around oneself (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
56Ability to speak with the dead temporarily (T) 1 Time per week for 12 months
57Curse* 80% chance of accidentally breaking objects when handling. (P)
58Bring object to life (P) 1 Time per year
59Create a Doppleganger that obeys you for 1d6 turns before dissolving (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
60Curse* Your backstory is a construct created by a wizard. Your true story is out there and you may never find it. (P)
61Curse* Always being followed by a swarm of biting insects (P)
62Ability to retain knowledge from every book that is read (P)
63Curse* Altered and warped sense of time (P)
64Ability to create and control gusts of wind 1d4 rounds (P) 1 Time per week
65Curse** Your appearance changes and your Charisma drops 3 points.
66Create an Elemental Blast for 2d24 points damage (P) 1 Time per month
67Ability to see into another PC’s dreams (P) 1 Time per month
68Curse* Feeling others pain constantly (P)
69Open portals to other planes (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
70Ability to command the dead (P) 1 Time per month
71Ability to cause others to dematerialize 1d4 (T) 1 Time per week for 12 months
72Curse* Being hunted by a Vengeful Spirit (P)
73Ability for you (only) to teleport to a familiar location at will (P)
74Curse** Never to turn invisible (P)
75Curse* Uncontrollable flatulence (P)
76Ability to heal rapidly from injuries 1d10hp per round (T) 1 Time per month for 6 months
77Curse** Chronic vertigo (P)
78Levitate objects on command 1d4 rounds (P) 1 Time per week
79Curse* Hearing constant gibbering voices (P)
8095% seduction of all who hear your voice 1d8 turns (P) 1 Time per week
81Cloaking of oneself and allies for 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
82Curse* Haunted by nightmares and terrors, never allowing for full rest and recovery (P)
83Phaseshift through object 1d4 turns (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
84Ability to throw a rapid fire burst of 1d12 fireballs (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
85Curse* debilitating visions that momentarily distract player (P)
86Ability to transform into a specific animal or creature (T) 1 Time per month for 12 months
87Speak with Elementals (P)
88Curse* Involuntary teleportation (P)
89Mind control / 1 being (T) 1 Time per month for 6 months
90Curse* Unstoppable vomiting (P)
91Curse* Constant, uncontrollable laughter (P)
92Manipulate probability in your favor – 85% (P) 1 Time per week
93Curse* Perpetual dizziness (P)
94Ability to communicate with and control golems (P)
95Curse** Spontaneous Combustion (P)
96Ability to speak with inanimate object 1d12 rounds (P) 1 Time per week
97Animate inanimate objects and send them into battle 1d6 rounds (P) 1 Time per month
98Curse* Constantly twitching tongue and involuntary noise making (P)
99Ability to create a powerful teleportation portal for self or others (P) 1 Time per month
100Drain life force from others (P) 1 Time per month
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Phil Sentko is a well-known expert in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. He has been playing this popular role-playing game since the late 70s and has mastered the intricate mechanics of the game, including the infamous THAC0. In addition to his extensive knowledge of D&D, Phil is also an avid writer and blogger, sharing his insights on gaming and other topics.

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